Chyba powrot. Moze na dluzej, a napewno mam taka nadzieje. Zlozylo sie tyle spraw i nie pamietam juz dlaczego wszystko stanelo w miejscu. Wiem, ze brakowalo mi tego. Moze kiedys opowiem co sie dzialo, ale nie teraz. Zebralo sie jednak wiele zdjec, ktore sa bradzo wazne, lub zwyczajnie fajne. Postaram sie nadgonic czas./
I think I'm back. Maybe for longer, and I certainly hope so. Many things happened in winter time, and I no longer remember why everything stood still. I only know I've missed these pictures. Maybe once I'll tell what happened, but not now. Gathered, however, many photos, which are very important, or simply cool. I will try to catch up time.
Zima sluchalem duzo gitar i nadal slucham duzo gitar./
In winter I've been listening to a lot of guitars and still listen to a lot of guitars.
Fences - "The Same Tattoos"