Osama Bin Laden feat. Karol Radziszewski.
Dodalem kilka adresow do linkow. Sprawdzcie.
Pisze tez prace magisterska. Serio, juz prawie.
Slucham za duzo muzyki i siedze za duzo w kawiarniach.
Skladam ksiazke i codziennie dokladnie myje zeby.
Aaaa... i nic mnie juz nie dziwi./
I add some links. Please check.
I'm writing my master thesis. Realy, almost.
Listening to much music and losing time in coffee places.
Trying to compleat photobook and washing my teeth everyday.
Aaa... and nothing surprise me any more.
Nie umiem wybrac jednego klipu wiec wrzucam to co akurat leci z glosnika./
I can not choose one clip so I just throw what play in speaker right now.
King Khan & his Shrines - Welfare Bread
Autor: pepperpirate 2 komentarze
Ten Typ Mess was pozdrawia./ Ten Typ Mess says "hi".
Szybkie upload'y by moj brat w koncu przestal narzekac. Dla Gutka./
Fast uploads couse my brother still complaining. For Gutek.
Circle Jerks - "Back Up Against the Wall"
Autor: pepperpirate 0 komentarze
Maly i szybki upload z Czeskiej Republiki. Lasy, lokalne bary, wyklady po czesku, fasola z puszki, znajomi i przyjaciele. Nie mozna nie sluchac tu Bruce'a./
Fast and small upload from Czech Rapublic. Woods, lockal bars, lectures in czech language, beans from can, mates and friends. I just need to listen Bruce right now.
Bruce Springsteen - I'm on Fire
Autor: pepperpirate 0 komentarze