Eksperymentalny upload. Nigdy nie robilem czarnobialych zdjec. Chyba urodzilem sie juz w erze cyfrowego aparatu. Nie mialem ciemni w lazience, choc zawsze bardzo chcialem taka zrobic. Nie umiem tez wywolywac zdjec. Ogolnie chyba nie lubie takich zdjec. Jednak to co dzieje sie ostatnio z pogoda calkowicie zdefiniowalo moje patrzenie i znow kreci mnie w kolanie. "Rodzina" mowi, ze upload jest fajny, wiec czuje ze moge go wrzucic. Chyba rowniez wyrwalem sie z tej pionowej histerii. Mysle ze w lutym sprobuje czegos nowego, bo zmiany robia dobrze na glowe, przynajmniej tak twierdzi Michal./

Experimental upload. I've never made black&white photos. I guess, I was born in the Era of digital cameras. I've never had darkroom in my mother's bathroom. I've always wanted to have one, though. I don't know how to induce pictures. Generally, I think I'm just not that into such photographs. But, the way the weather is acting lately totally changed my point of view. And I have my weather-pain in knee again. The Family says that this upload is good, so I feel that I can put it on the blog. Also, I hope I won myself through the "upright hysteria".

I think I will try something new in Febuary as well, because changes make your head work better. Well, at least that is what Mike says.

Muzycznie duzo rock'n'roll'u, pan i panow grajacych na gitarach. Posluchajcie;/
Musically, lots of rock'n'roll, ladies and gentelmen playing on guitars. Check them out:

The Gaslight Anthem

